Cave Valley Caves

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Cave Valley, St. Ann Parish

Deep in the rugged terrain of Jamaica’s western region, there lies a hidden treasure of limestone caves called the Cave Valley Caves. These caverns, carved out by centuries of underground streams and erosion, are a wonder to behold. Exploring these caves is an unforgettable experience for any adventurer or nature lover.

As you delve into the cool darkness of the caves, you’ll be met with a maze of underground passages, stunning rock formations, and crystal-clear pools of water. With a knowledgeable guide leading the way, you’ll learn about the history and geology of these fascinating natural wonders.

One of the most impressive features of Cave Valley Caves is the immense Cathedral Cave, with soaring ceilings and an underground lake that sparkles in the dim light. Another highlight is the hidden Bat Cave, home to thousands of Jamaican fruit bats.

For those seeking adventure, there are opportunities for rappelling and rock climbing within the caves. But even if you’re not up for a thrill, simply walking through the awe-inspiring chambers of the Cave Valley Caves is an experience not to be missed.

Is there a entrance fee?

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Opening Hours

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